
Siamo una società di trasporti e spedizioni che ha conservato la conduzione familiare implementando soluzioni logistiche innovative e alternative.



Grazie a 40anni di esperienza, abbiamo realizzato una solida rete di trasporto in grado di individuare le migliori soluzioni di trasporto.

Trasporto Multimodale
Trasporto Intermodale
Trasporto Eccezionale

Traporto Rifiuti

Traporto Rifiuti

Da sempre attenti alle problematiche "green" e allo "sviluppo sostenibile", garantiamo servizi di trasporto anche per “rifiuti riciclabilii”

Scopri il Servizio
Logistica e Movimentazione Magazzini

Logistica e Movimentazione Magazzini

Ci occupiamo di logistica con l’obiettivo di organizzare, gestire e semplificare le esigenze delle aziende partner nell’ambito del trasporto e della gestione dei magazzini.

Scopri i Servizi
Tree Project

Tree Project

Quando un'idea diventa un progetto e trasforma un pensiero in uno stile di vita...

Scopri i servizi
Da oltre 40 anni portiamo la Puglia nel mondo.
Our Missions.

Da oltre 40 anni portiamo la Puglia nel mondo.

Trasporti industriali, eccezionali, spedizioni internazionali, noleggio autogrù e carrelli elevatori, logistica integrata, e gestione depositi conto terzi.
Dall’esperienza maturata da oltre 40 anni nel settore dei trasporti industriali ed eccezionali, nasce nel 1994, per volontà dei fratelli Michele, Antonio e Fabrizio Petruzzelli, l’idea di creare una società di trasporti e spedizioni che conservasse contemporaneamente lo stile di azienda a conduzione familiare e l’utilizzo di soluzioni logistiche innovative ed alternative, implementando i servizi collegati alle unità produttive.
Ottimizziamo i processi e proponiamo servizi personalizzati.
La nostra Filosofia.

Ottimizziamo i processi e proponiamo servizi personalizzati.

Forniamo diverse soluzioni di immagazzinamento, integrando i servizi con il vostro sistema informativo.
Proponiamo soluzioni logistiche personalizzate per garantire la soddisfazione delle più svariate esigenze.
  • Trasporti Multimodali.
  • Trasporti Intermodali.
  • Traporti Eccezionali.
  • Traporto Rifiuti.
  • Logistica e Movimentazione Magazzini
  • Magazzino Doganale

His back towards the headboard so that he could lift his head better. That's when I'll make the big change. First of all though, I've got to get up. Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury.

Travelling day in and day out. Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at home, and on top of that there's the curse of travelling, worries about making train connections, bad and irregular food, contact with different people all the time so that you can never get to know anyone or become friendly with them. It can all go to Hell!

Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing

Big July earthquakes confound zany experimental vow. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Have a pick: twenty six letters - no forcing a jumbled quiz! Crazy Fredericka bought many very exquisite opal jewels. Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats. All questions asked by five watch experts amazed the judge. Jack quietly moved up front and seized the big ball of wax. The quick, brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

He slid back into his former position. "Getting up early all the time", he thought, "it makes you stupid. You've got to get enough sleep. Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury. For instance, whenever I go back to the guest house during the morning to copy out the contract, these gentlemen are always still sitting there eating their breakfasts.

Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury

I ought to just try that with my boss; I'd get kicked out on the spot. But who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me. If I didn't have my parents to think about I'd have given in my notice a long time ago, I'd have gone up to the boss and told him just what I think, tell him everything I would, let him know just what I feel. He'd fall right off his desk! I ought to just try that with my boss; I'd get kicked out on the spot. But who knows, maybe that would be the best thing for me. If I didn't have my parents to think about I'd have given in my notice a long time ago, I'd have gone up to the boss and told him just what I think, tell him everything I would, let him know just what I feel. He'd fall right off his desk!

That's when I'll make the big change. First of all though, I've got to get up, my train leaves at five. " And he looked over at the alarm clock, ticking on the chest of drawers. "God in Heaven! " he thought. It was half past six and the hands were quietly moving forwards, it was even later than half past, more like quarter to seven. Had the alarm clock not rung?

The next train went at seven; if he were to catch that he would have to rush like mad and the collection of samples was still not packed, and he did not at all feel particularly fresh and lively. And even if he did catch the train he would not avoid his boss's anger as the office assistant would have been there to see the five o'clock train go, he would have put in his report about Gregor's not being there a long time ago.